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Hey dude, why does DIY filmmaking suck?

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May 14, 2010


Lee Vervoort

I couldn't agree more. No one has heard about my film, because I haven't shoved it in their faces.

Connor Lehane

alright I need to know if it is possible to sell your music to indie filmmakers to make some small pay?

Bad Vegan

Conner: It's possible, but not likely. Most DIY filmmakers can't afford it and "indywood" movies (that have budgets in the low millions and get distribution via Landmark Cinema and similar art-house theaters) are generally targeting signed musicians. Anyone who is hoping to make money off the indie/DIY film community has to get their head examined.

Most us aren't DIY because we love it above all else -- we're DIY because we have no money.

That's not a good target audience for any business venture.

Good luck out there, regardless.

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