IndieGoGo's blog has a helpful interview with Eric Ernst and Danny Daneau of The Attic Door (which is showing at the Florida Film fest).
These are the three great ideas I got out of the interview:
- Hire a small documentary crew to follow you around during production (and before/after) and have them create webisodes to stoke interest in the film. Bonus ideas from DJ Bad Vegan: make them unpaid local student interns to save money and use the full-quality versions for DVD bonus features.
- Hire a student at the local culinary school to do your craft services/food. Again, intern-powered filmmaking is win-win for everyone.
- Package three indie films together -- yours and others -- and go on the road as an Indie Film Road Show Festiva. Bonus ideas from DJ Bad Vegan: you can collaborate on the marketing and booking together, dividing the load up a bit. Best if the films share similar audiences (i.e. horror, sci-fi, LGBT, doc, etc.) to cross-marketing together.