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Hey dude, why does DIY filmmaking suck?

  • Yes Beavis, DIY filmmaking literally does suck.

    Let me tell you about my experience producing Quality of Life.

    Each day, I worked a full-time day job and then put in 4 - 8 hours more on the film at night. I still declared personal bankruptcy during pre-production.

    Then I was fired from my job for focusing on the film too much instead of my work.

    My girlfriend nearly left me since she never saw me.

    My friends stopped returning my calls for fear I'd ask for favors for the film.

    And in the end, the entire "indiewood" film industry basically ignored us. Sundance, the speciality distributors, the major indie film press outlets and of course just about anyone with money couldn't be bothered.

    And that was all before we decided to self-distribute the movie and things really got rough.

    So listen up: DIY filmmaking is not for the faint of heart. It sucks.

« International independent film distribution hits glacier | Main | Producers kick ass »

April 22, 2009



Cool post and congrats on your crowdfunding efforts. If you're looking for a platform with built-in fundraising and social media tools (like widgets, twitter, facebook app, etc.) to help reach out to your niche audiences, check out IndieGoGo. You post a project and use the tools to start audience-building and crowdfunding. Happy to answer any questions. Keep on keeping on. Cheers! GoGoDanae

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